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$1,000 Cash GGtoor M:TG Arena Cup#1 (Set Championship Qualifier!) - tournament brand image

$1,000 Cash GGtoor M:TG Arena Cup#1 (Set Championship Qualifier!)

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: GGtoor

Tournament Type: MTG Arena

Entry Fee: $5.00 + $1.00 | Open Registration | Format: Standard | Ended | 245 of 256 Enrolled Players

This M:TG Arena event will be held the weekend of January 29, 2022 by GGtoor, with AT Tournaments as Tournament Administrator.

THERE IS A $5 entry fee FEE FOR THE EVENT, everyone is welcome to join!

Be sure to Pre-Register NOW to secure your spot and compete for fun, bragging rights, and your share of the CASH Prizing!

For paper printouts generated for this tournament, participants' names will be displayed using their usernames, irrespective of their profile's name display settings. This ensures uniformity and respects privacy on printed materials.

Players are required to join the GGtoor discord for ongoing updates about the event:

This event will be a Standard Format event featuring Best of 3 matches, with swiss brackets then a cut to Top 8. (The number of Swiss rounds may vary depending on participants.)

All events will be held under the current official BAN LIST issued by Wizards of the Coast. This means that if a new Ban List is issued near the time of the tournament, the new list will be the one in effect, provided the tournament platform has updated in time to mirror the new ban list.

ID are not allowed, due to the nature of the event. We wish to keep this event competitive until the end, and how many times you got cut out from the top8 because player with higher seeds decided to take a draw? Well, not anymore! here you can battle your way up until the end, so ID are not allowed!

Deck-lists are required and will be open. Decklists must be submitted by 10 AM EST/4 PM CEST on game day. If no decklist is submitted, you will be dropped from the event. Players who fail to report for any match during the event may be dropped from the event by staff without notice.

On Game Day, Swiss rounds will start at 10AM EST/4:00 PM CEST Each round will be 50 minutes, and 10 minutes between rounds to get ready for the next match. If a player's MTG Arena timer reaches 0:00, that player loses the match.

For top 8, the higher seed gets to choose as if they won the coin flip for the first match.

Check-in for the event will open 90 Minutes before the event starts. IF YOU DO NOT CHECK IN BY THE DEADLINE (WTHIN 90 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE EVENT) ON MTG MELEE, YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE! It is VERY IMPORTANT that you double-check your time conversion to the local time for your time zone, so you do not miss this deadline of 90 MINUTES before the event!

VERY IMPORTANT: You should join the #mtg-chat channel of this discord at least 30 minutes before the event begins, and stay there for the duration of the event, to make sure you do not miss any important instructions from the tournament staff!

ILLEGAL DECK: Starting the game with an illegal deck will result in the offending player being issued a Game Loss.

Each time you are paired against your next opponent, you should reach out to the opponent on discord via DM if needed to arrange your match. (Use the Direct Challenge in MTG Arena to challenge your opponent. Set up your match by selecting "Tournament Match" and please remember that MTG Arena user names are case sensitive.)

Winner should take a screen shot in case of a dispute of results. If there is a dispute and proof can not be presented as to the correct winner, tournament staff may mark the results as a draw.

TARDINESS: If your opponent appears to be non-responsive after 5 minutes, create a ticket in mtg melee to make a judge call to staff. If your opponent does not respond/report in for the match within 10 minutes, the judge may issue them a game or match loss.

DISCONNECTS: If there is a disconnection during a match game, the disconnected player should try to rejoin the game as quickly as possible and keep playing. If the disconnected player times out and loses the game, the loss will stand, the game should NOT be restarted/voided (unless in special circumstances adjudicated differently, at the sole discretion of the Tournament Staff. )

Players are fully responsible for the presence and stability of an internet connection as well as for the stability of the system running MTG Arena. Any types of connection issue, bugs, anything related to your game crashing/not functioning properly is the sole responsibility of the player.

Age: To be eligible to participate, a player must be at least 13 years old (or such other age, of greater, as may be required in such player’s country of residence). Players between the ages of 13 and 17 (or such other age, if greater, as may be required in such player’s country of residence) must have written permission from a parent or legal guardian (a form will be provided which must be returned in order to complete processing your registration). IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, THE FORM CAN BE FOUND HERE: (be sure to join the discord to have access) PLEASE CONTACT TOURNAMENT STAFF PRIOR TO THE EVENT TO HAVE THE REQUIRED PAPERWORK COMPLETED OR YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE.


Cheating of any kind will result in disqualification without prizes from the event, and being banned from all future events. If you are in a match where you believe your opponent cheated, please send any evidence you may have to the tournament staff. In addition to Hacking, "CHEATING" ALSO INCLUDES USING ANY BUG OR UNINTENDED EXPLOIT THAT EXISTS IN THE GAME, intentionally or unintentionally. If this somehow happens to you unintentionally, you should immediately alert your opponent and tournament staff - if you don't, you will be deemed to have been Cheating, and you will be disqualified without prizing and banned from all future events.

OPTIONAL: We realize not every player can do this, so this is not mandatory: If you have the capability, live streaming and/or recording video of all of your matches is a good idea, to help eliminate any possibility of any dispute arising as to performance in a given match. If this is not possible, it is recommended that you at least take a screenshot of your match result screen just in case of any disputes.

Sportsmanlike conduct is expected. You are NOT allowed to be disruptive or grief your opponent in Real Life, such as in any Discord or Twitch chat (or any other actions that could be considered unsportsmanlike conduct except for actions intended to be allowed within the game itself as part of normal game-play.) If you do, your actions may result in a game loss, match loss, or disqualification from the event without prizes, solely at the discretion of the Tournament Staff.

TOP 8 MUST BE ON PC AND PREPARED TO SHARE SCREEN/STREAM THEIR MATCH ON DISCORD. Select matches for this event may be streamed on a designated/one of our Official Twitch channels. If you are asked to stream your game on the Discord server for rebroadcast as part of our official stream, please stream the MTGA window, not your monitor. Competitors playing in the event may live stream the event from their own POV as well (and are strongly encouraged to do so-if you do, please add "#GGtoor" to the title and don't forget a time delay so no one can stream snipe you!) By registering for this event, you agree that we may live re-broadcast your live stream from discord or any other source on our designated Twitch channels and commentate any game-play during the course of the event, and also create VODs of this Content, which we may choose to make available on our official Youtube channels and other platforms, so others may marvel at your awesome plays (or epic fails!)

By registering for this event, you are agreeing to the GGtoor terms of service:


Number of swiss rounds will vary depending upon the number of particpants, then cut to top 8 single elimiation bracket, all on January 29th, starting at 10 AM EST/4:00 PM CEST

The organizer has agreed to pay out prizes in 7 days or less.

Cash Prize Pool of $1,000 USD!

Winner: $400 USD + NEO CHAMPIONSHIP INVITATION + 3,000 Gem Arena Code

2nd place: $200 USD + February Qualifier Weekend Invitation + 3,000 Gem Arena Code

3rd & 4th place: $100 USD each + February Qualifier Weekend Invitation + 1,500 Gem Arena Code

5th-8th place $50 USD each + February Qualifier Weekend Invitation

Funds for Cash prize winners will be sent via PayPal, and winners will be required to provide full Legal Name and Physical Mailing Address (along with the email address associated with the PayPal account) for winnings to to be disbursed. For the set invitation, DCI number and Wizards account email will be needed.

IMPORTANT: For anyone under 18 years of age,if the required GGtoor consent form is submitted, players under 18 can play in this event and win the cash prizing. However, players under 18 will not be allowed to play in Set Championships or Qualifier Weekends (so even if they make Top 8, they would not be able to take advantage of the invite portion of the prizing.)

Note: if the event does not have at least 50 active participants, the event might be postponed to a later date.

To main point of contact for rules questions with this event is via Discord, MordenCaile#9589 or Aeny#3771.

