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What's New at Melee

This page journals the ongoing development of Melee.

Change Log - - Beta Version 3/13/2024

Direct Player Portal Access

We're excited to announce a significant update that enhances your experience on! Now, when you visit, you'll be automatically directed to your personalized Player Portal. This feature is designed to streamline your navigation, saving you time and effort.

How It Works:

  • Automatic Tournament Detection: The system intelligently identifies the active tournament you're participating in, based on the current date and time. This ensures you're always just a click away from your most relevant tournament details.
  • Direct Portal Access: If you're active in a tournament, you'll be taken directly to your Player Portal for that event. This is where you can view schedules, match-ups, and other critical tournament information.
  • Fallback to Tournaments List: In cases where an active tournament can't be found for you, the system will redirect you to the Tournaments List. This way, you can easily browse and join upcoming events.

Benefits for You:

  • Efficiency: Save time with direct access to your tournament details without the need for manual searches.
  • Convenience: Enjoy a seamless navigation experience, tailored to your active participation.
  • Accessibility: Quickly find your current tournament, enhancing your competitive experience on This update reflects our commitment to continually improving the platform, making it more user-friendly and efficient for our valued community. We believe this new feature will significantly enhance your tournament experience.

As always, we welcome your feedback. If you have any suggestions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Change Log - - Beta Version 2/20/2024

Complete Overhaul of Data Tables Plugin

We've significantly upgraded our data tables plugin, enhancing user interaction with options for column visibility, filtering, results per page, and data exports. This major improvement offers a more customizable and efficient way to navigate and manage large sets of data, ensuring a smoother user experience.

Updated Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy has been updated to reflect our ongoing commitment to protect your data and privacy. We encourage all users to review the changes to understand how we collect, use, and safeguard your information.

Minor Updates
  • Added a dynamic player count to the tournament controller's player enrollment form, which turns to a “warning” color when the player count is within 10 of the cap, enhancing visibility and urgency for tournament organizers.
  • A new player status filter on the tournament controller's decklist tab allows for more precise management and oversight of player entries, streamlining the tournament setup process.
  • Now displaying full names to staff on the Edit Matchups form, replacing usernames for easier identification and management of matches.
  • Added a direct link to users' submitted decklists in the main nav bar decklist menu item for quick access.
  • Moved language selection to the main nav bar for more intuitive access, improving the site's usability for our global user base.
  • Added a redundant link for printing match information in the matches action dropdown, offering more convenience in managing tournaments.
  • Self-service documentation links have been updated to lead directly to, providing users with easier access to assistance and platform guidance.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented dashboard menus from being scrollable on some mobile platforms, improving accessibility and user experience on mobile devices.
  • Addressed an issue with the dropdown on the /Decklists page, ensuring error-free expansion and enhancing site functionality.
  • Fixed an issue with the player QR codes that incorrectly linked to player registration, streamlining the check-in and registration process for players.
  • Resolved an issue causing a preferred organization to remain linked to a user's profile even after removal from staff, ensuring accurate organization affiliations.
  • Fixed a loading issue with the tournament entries table on the organization dashboard, improving the management experience for organizers.

Change Log - - Beta Version 1/9/2024

Enhanced File Import Processes

We have implemented a brand new player and tournament (coming soon) file import processes for streamlined data integration, featuring a new user-friendly interface. Currently accessible only to approved organizations.

Unauthorized Data Sharing Report System

We have introduced a comprehensive system allowing users to report unauthorized data sharing, bolstering our platform's commitment to data privacy and security.

Authorization System Overhaul

We have significantly enhanced the authorization system for tournaments and organizations, focusing on maintainability, transparency, and functionality, along with general application performance improvements. Updates to permissions can be seen on your organization's dashboard.

Minor Updates
  • Profile Tournaments Page Enhancements: Added a status filter and direct links to player and tournament controllers in the table.
  • New Import Tool Access: Granted special privilege to approved organizers for utilizing the new players import tool.
  • Disney Lorcana Retailer Application Simplification: Streamlined the application process by opting for a single distributor selection.
  • Tournament Control Page Fixes: Resolved issues with export standings buttons and saving custom player metadata during tournament creation.
  • Performance Improvements: Enhanced data serialization performance significantly.
  • Tournament Control Page UI Update: Added edit icons to player links for clearer navigation.
  • Organizer and Staff Management: Introduced an "Added By" column in organizer and tournament staff tables.
  • Main Tournaments Page View Change: Switched default view from visual to table style.
  • Custom URL for Tournament Hubs: Organizers can now create shortened URLs for their organization tournament hubs on the edit page.
  • Data Request Optimization: Improved datatable functionality to delay server requests after filter input changes.
  • Standings Export Fix: Addressed an issue with exporting standings for specific phases.

Change Log - Beta Version 12/8/2023

Minor Updates
  • Added "Lead Web & Mobile UI/UX Designer" and "AWS Infrastructure Engineer" to our careers page.
  • Implemented Complex Match Filtering on the Tournament Matches Tab for enhanced navigation.
  • Resolved the Missing No Show Options and addressed a JavaScript Caching Issue for improved site performance.

Change Log - Beta Version 11/30/2023

Tournament Controller Enhancements

Minor Updates
  • Match Time Extension Field: Implemented a new field within the matches table to facilitate end-of-round time adjustments.
  • Data Table Clean-Up: Optimized data table aesthetics by removing extraneous sorting indicators.
  • Export Options Expansion: Added functionality for exporting data in JSON and CSV formats from the Tournament Controller tabs.
  • Player Status Update: Introduced "Preregistered" status within the Player Card to better reflect participation stages.
  • Action Dropdown Menus: Centralized tournament actions within newly added dropdown menus for streamlined user interaction.
  • UI Consistency for Mobile: Adjusted positioning of "Gear" menus to the left side across tables to enhance mobile user accessibility.
  • Name Filtering Enhancement: Refined player table filters to prioritize first and last names over usernames.
  • Player Metadata Management: Instituted a feature to purge all player metadata within the Tournament Controller.
  • Enroll Player Modal Improvement: Modified the Enroll Player dialog to remain open after submission for continuous data entry.
  • Enroll Player Hotkey: Integrated a keyboard shortcut (CTRL-ALT-E) for quick access to the Enroll Player dialog.
  • Filter Dropdown Refinements: Updated filter dropdowns with a "Clear Selections" feature and additional filtering choices.
  • Interface Clarity: Enhanced hint text and tooltips across the interface for improved clarity and user guidance.
  • Visual Fix for Data Tables: Addressed and resolved background color inconsistencies in data table headers.
  • Error Logging and Server Stability: Advanced the error logging system and rectified multiple server-side issues for increased stability.
  • Enrollment Bug Fix: Corrected an issue preventing the enrollment of individuals with shorter names.
  • Lorcana Dashboard Upgrade: Upgraded the Lorcana admin dashboard to improve overall functionality and performance.
  • Default Preferred Organization Error: Resolved an error that prevented new organizations from becoming the user's default in their profile.
  • Streamlined Result Deletion: Removed the "Delete Results" button, merging its functionality with the "Delete Matches" button for a more intuitive user experience.
  • Simplified 'Registration Only' Tournaments: Tournaments marked as "Registration Only" no longer require starting to proceed to their conclusion, simplifying the process.
  • Commander Decklist Validation: Fixed a validation issue when a partner is added to a Commander decklist, ensuring accurate deck registration.

Change Log - Beta Version 9/20/2023

Migration to FusionAuth

We are excited to announce that we've migrated our authentication services to FusionAuth. This move not only enhances the security and stability of your accounts but also prepares us for new features that we'll be rolling out in the future. Please note that you might be required to update your login credentials as part of this transition.

Removal of SMS, Text Message, and Chat Functions

In light of changing government regulations and the increasing costs associated with SMS and text message services, we have removed these features from the platform. The decision to remove chat functions was made to streamline compliance with regulations. We understand these features were valuable to some users and apologize for any inconvenience. We're exploring alternative methods of communication and updates will be provided as they become available.

Minor Updates
  • Fixed a bug that allowed access to the tournament registration page after the registration window had closed.
  • Usernames now support only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.
  • Resolved an issue with the "Save" button on player surveys.
  • Fixed broken QR code links in the tournament controller.
  • Corrected an issue where custom metadata fields weren't saving properly on the tournament edit page.
  • Added Player Metadata feature details to the Melee API documentation.
  • Updated Player Metadata data replacement functionalities.
  • Fixed timezone-related issues affecting French and Chinese users.
  • Corrected a broken link that connects to the organization from its tournament hub.
  • Improved phase creation with an updated dialog modal, including explanations for each type of phase.
  • Introduced table number support for single-elimination phases.
  • Stopped sending notifications for deleted unpublished matches.
  • Added build table numbers to draft seating printouts for easier navigation.
  • Introduced a new Cookies Policy page for compliance and transparency.

Change Log - Beta Version 8/18/2023

Minor Updates
  • Fixed a problem that was preventing organizations from successfully linking their PayPal accounts.
  • Autogenerated tournament hubs have been introduced for all organizations.
  • Public links to /Organization/view now redirect to the respective organization's tournament hub.
  • Addressed an issue that was preventing organizers from creating tournament hubs.
  • Added QR Code downloads to tournament hubs for staff use.
  • Resolved loading issues on various pages when using the French language.
  • Updated the payments policy page to reflect current policies.
  • Fixed multiple issues on the DreamHack winners' information page for smoother functionality.
  • Corrected issues related to selecting start dates for tournaments in non-English languages.
  • Fixed the problem with saving tournament location address details for accurate information.

Change Log - Beta Version 7/25/2023

Scorekeepers can create tournaments

Staff members with the "Scorekeeper" role on an organization can now create, setup, and manage tournaments for their organization.

Minor Updates
  • Fixed an error with printing decklists when a decklist isn't available or has no cards.
  • Added additional information to the tournament API endpoint, providing more comprehensive data for tournament organizers and participants.
  • The player portal and player controller will no longer display decklist links when decklists are not required.
  • Removed MTG-specific preregistration types from the controller when the tournament is non-MTG.
  • Fixed an issue with address display on the DreamHack application and admin pages.
  • Two-factor verification codes are now also sent to user's email address.