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Professional Tournament Invitational (Classic Constructed) - SCG CON Baltimore - Sunday - 9:30 am - tournament brand image

Professional Tournament Invitational (Classic Constructed) - SCG CON Baltimore - Sunday - 9:30 am

Game: Flesh and Blood TCG

Organized by: Star City Games

Tournament Type: Registration Only

Professional Tournament Invitational players compete for a Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI), a Random Gold Cold Foil Card, and more than 10,000 Prize Wall Tickets.

Entry Fee: $35.00 + $2.41 | Open Registration | Format: FABClassic | Ended | 36 of 400 Enrolled Players

Player Registration
Tournament registration ended .

Health and Safety Information

How it works

The Professional Tournament Invitational event is an open entry event where players can participate for their share of more than 10,000 Prize Wall Tickets, a Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI) and a Random Gold Cold Foil Card.

SCG CON PTI Event Structure

Swiss rounds of Classic Constructed based on attendance followed by a cut to a Single Elimination Top 8.


  • Registration for all events at SCG CON will close 10 minutes prior to each event.
  • Players who enter the event after the event has begun will be enrolled with a Loss for their first round.
  • Players must have their GEM ID in their profile in order to enroll.


  • Deck lists will be submitted on paper at the start of Round One.
  • Deck lists that are not submitted on time will be subject to Tardiness penalties.

To unenroll after you must contact the organizer.

All SCG CON tournaments will be run according to the Tournament Rules for their respective game systems:

Flesh and Blood Tournament Rules


  • Pairings for SCG CON Flesh and Blood events will be available in your Profile on the Flesh and Blood offical website.
  • It is each Player's sole responsibility to find their pairings and report to their matches for the beginning of each round of their events.


  • Round length will be determined by event type for every event at SCG CON.
  • It is the responsibility of the winner of any given match to ensure that the result is reported and recorded correctly. However if either player notices a discrepancy between the actual result of the match, and the reported match result, they must bring the error to the attention of a tournament official immediately.


  • Players must have accounts in good standing with MTG Melee, Legend Story Studios, and Star City Games.
  • Players must not be currently suspended from participating in Flesh and Blood events and/or in Star City Games events.
  • Regional eligibility restrictions also apply, void where prohibited.

Registration closes at 9:20 am

Round One (1) begins at 9:30 am

Swiss rounds based on attendance

Cut to a Single Elimination Top 8 at the conclusion of the Swiss rounds

The organizer has agreed to pay out prizes immediately after the tournament has ended.

Top 8 Prizes:

  • 1st: 1,500 Prize Wall Tickets, Gold Cold Foil Prize Card (C/M), Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI)
  • 2nd: 1,000 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 3rd-4th: 800 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 5th-8th: 600 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 9th-16th: 400 Prize Wall Tickets
  • 17th-32nd: 200 Prize Wall Tickets

1st place receives a PTI that can be redeemed for entry into any future professional Flesh and Blood event that requires an invitation (National Championships, any future Pro Tour or the World Championships)

SCG CON Website


Please direct any questions regarding SCG CON events to:

You may also ask questions through the SCG CON Discord

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