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Swiss Lorcana Casual League Play (Season 1)
9/8/2023 - 11/17/2023
As official Lorcana Play shop, WellPlayed organizes weekly casual league plays. Come and join us every Friday and compete with other Lorcana players.

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Swiss Lorcana Casual League Play (Season 1)

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As official Lorcana Play shop, WellPlayed organizes weekly casual league plays. Come and join us every Friday at our shop in Dübendorf and play with other Lorcana fans. Collect Lorcana league points and win prizes like promo cards and pins at the end of a round (4 consecutive weeks).

About the League Play

The Disney Lorcana League emphasizes fun and community over competition and winning. League play takes place over 12 weeks and is designed for casual play and collectors. Players collect points, win or lose, by participating in Disney Lorcana matches (best two of three games). Points can also be earned through Lorcana-related activities, such as teaching someone how to play Lorcana. Prizes are awarded to most or all League participants; top finishers receive a small additional prize.

Who can join?

Lorcana is made for all kind of players. Wheter you are a beginner or a pro - come to our casual plays and find other players with the same level and interests.

Booster Drafts

Every first Friday of each round, you can optionally join a booster draft. This is the cheapest way to get the most precious cards. Please see the rules section for more information.


All players are required to have an account on We recommend that you create your account upfront and register yourself for each play you want to participate.

Entry fees and Payment

The entry fee for each casual play is CHF 8.00. If you want to participate in the booster draft, you additionally pay CHF 22.00 (includes 4 booster packs). You will pay the entry fee when checking in at our store.

Lorcana League Structure

  • A League round is four consecutive weeks of play and activities.
  • A League season consists of three consecutive League rounds (12 weeks total).
  • Participants sign up for your League, then play games and participate in other activities to earn League points. Prizes are awarded to most of the participants. Those with the most points in a given round are given a modest additional prize.
  • Participants play casual matches with other League players and/or participate in other Lorcana-related activities.
  • Participants earn points for match play and activities. These points are tracked on a League poster using stickers (1 point = 1 sticker).
  • At the end of each League round, promo cards and pins are awarded (see Prizes).
  • At the end of three rounds of League play, season prizes and any remaining round prizes are awarded.

Earning Lorcana League points

Below is a list of Lorcana League activities and points to be awarded. We keep track of these points by adding point stickers to the League poster whenever points are earned (max 10 points per week).

Playing Point Awards

  • Sign up for a League round = 1 point
  • Win a match = 2 points
  • Lose a match = 1 point

Other Point Awards

  • Teach someone how to play Lorcana in the store = 2 points
  • Bring someone new to play in the League = 1 point

Season 1

Every Friday from 18:30h - 20:00h at the game shop in Dübendorf.

There will be an optional booster draft on every first Friday of each round.

Don't worry if you miss an evening or two. You can still collect enough points to win prizes.

League Round 1

01.09.2023 - 22.09.2023

League Round 2

29.09. - 20.10.2023

League Round 3

27.10. - 17.11.2023

At the end of each round (four-week period)

The participant with the most points is the League round winner and chooses two different promo cards. If there is a tie for first place, one of the tied first-place finishers is randomly choosen and may choose two cards.

All other participants who earned at least 3 League points this round get one promo card.

At the end of the season

Each participant’s point total over all 12 weeks of play are calculated. The six participants with the most points award a lore counter.

Participants who earned at least 8 total points during the League season award a Lorcana logo pin.

If there are any round prizes left over, players who earned at least 8 points during the League season randomly award them.

Please contact us by email at if you have any questions.

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