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龙盾杯 MTG China Open  S5 Regional Championship - tournament brand image

龙盾杯 MTG China Open S5 Regional Championship

Game: Magic: The Gathering

Organized by: 北京卡豆

Tournament Type: Tabletop


Free to Play | Open Registration | Format: Modern | Ended | 275 of 300 Enrolled Players

龙盾杯万智牌中国公开赛第五赛季总决赛 (Cycle 5 RC) 比赛时间:2024/3/9 09:30 比赛地点:广州市科尔海悦酒店

For paper printouts generated for this tournament, participants' names will be displayed using their full real names, irrespective of their profile's name display settings. This specification applies solely to printed materials.

本场比赛执法严格度为专业级 规则按照万智牌比赛规则MTR执行 报名参赛本次比赛默认已经熟知相关比赛规则 报名参加本次比赛需要已经获得参赛资格,并且未参加本赛季其他地区的区域冠军赛(RC)。

根据人数进行瑞士轮,预计会进行9轮瑞士轮。 瑞士轮结束后排名高的八位牌手进行八强单淘汰比赛

3/9 周六 预计会进行9轮瑞士轮 3/10 周日 八强单淘赛产生最终的冠军

The organizer has agreed to pay out prizes in 20 days or less.

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